The History Edition of Spiritual Alchemy

Hello dear friends, I am humbled to share this next article with you. Spiritual Alchemy is a holistic wellness and yoga studio nestled in Napanee Ontario. Built within the walls of an 1864 farmhouse it is a place all walks of life come to experience healing, compassion and growth. The studio offers services such as;…

Self Check Ins

Sat Nam friends, Today I wanted to talk to you about self check ins, or as the cliche phrase goes "check yourself". When you first find yourself walking the path of change- growth seems to come by the second. Step one, is turning inward. Addressing the things that exist within you that you may ignore.…

Dear Doug Ford

Friends, first I want to thank you for following along with me on this journey. I've Finally realized my mission, my purpose in all of this through videos and posts regarding Doug Ford- the mission is Awareness. What began as addressing and protesting Bill 57, turned into a somewhat manic search and reveal of Doug…

Today. I remember.

Today we remember. I sit here on a Sunday. In my home protected from the cold. Safe. Warm. The only sounds I hear are the echoes of the train passing by and cars flying to their Sunday destinations. Today, I remember. Today I remember the Strength, Sacrifice, The Hero’s, The men and women who put…


"There's nothing wrong with you. There's nothing to fix. There's nothing to lose or things to gain. You're perfect right now. " Photo by Red Lemon Art and Photography This hit home so hard, my mind has been fighting me over the past couple of days. Lots of paranoia, anxiety and feeling like I can…

The Female Currency

As a woman I cannot help but be impacted by all of the conversation the world is finally having about sexual assault. To the Males of the world--are you listening? There is a tendency that has been around for as long as humans have- to Blame the Woman when she is assaulted. The facts show…


Photo by Sherry Jeffery. •REMINDER• "Good is Good Enough" Another beautiful piece of apparel by @shinethelighton How many times have you attempted to do something, Wanted to go somewhere, Try something, Wear something, Apply for a position, Challenge an oppressor, Stand for something, And you think, "Im good... but IM Not good enough". How many…


Photo by Love and Exposure PhotographyThe Power of The Rainbow. A few months ago I cam across Kesha's new song called Rainbow, and it took me by surprise. This entire album did. To be honest I hadn't listened to her music in years and didn't expect to any time soon. When this album was released…

I am Woman

I am a woman. I am a fighter. I am stubborn and hot tempered. I will push, Before I am pushed. I am the match, And the lighter. I am healing. And I am learning. Just as there are two sides to every coin, I hold both the good and the bad within me. I…